Monday, August 02, 2010

Catching some Zzzz

Fell asleep on the train for the first time in ages last week. Luckily enough though my internal alarm clock woke me up just before the stop.


Gavin Cooney said...

I'd actually almost recognise you. Nice self portrait. Love it.

Áine said...

cool. really like this one fran!

Gillian Comerford said...

I fall asleep every evening going home. I get through about 3 pages of my book the, WHAMO, snorzville. I jump in my sleep....people must think I am mental.
Very cool piccy.

Stephen Mooney said...

Very accurate depiction Franneer. Kudos.

Ciany Beany said...

Retro pic, when i fall asleep (on buses) my legs spread out wider and wider, pity me missus doesnt sleep like that in the bedroom id get more action!